Childhood games

There are different funny and also interesting games we play during our childhood and we have got them in abundance in Nigeria and these games are part of what helped in making our childhood a very fun and interesting one. And we will be listing some of these games right here:

1: Game box
This game is played with 8 players, having a mother and also some followers, of whom are divided into two. Four members in each group would be trying to dodge being touched by the opponent members in the box being drawn on the ground.

2: Ten ten
This game is played with two people, and it is done with the use of the hands and you continue clapping your hands together and at the same time increasing your speed.

3: From the east to the west
This game is done with two or four players if you are up to that number and it is also done with the hands. The four players would be paired into two, and while playing you will be exchanging your hands with the other players.

What more childhood games do you remember? ๐Ÿ˜‚

By: Zeebah

Images by: Peterayodelefadare

7 responses to “Childhood games”

  1. I remember bread and butter…suwe(I don’t even know how to spell it๐Ÿ˜‚)…police and thief…”I call on”…
    Those games were like the highlights of our childhood like fr

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There was no stress then, just a group of people who’s problems were to win games๐Ÿ˜‚

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  2. Hephzibahilesanmi Avatar

    Those were the days of no worries no stress

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  3. Ten-clap (a name I just made). A ball is thrown to the ground to bounce against a wall and rebound to the thrower, who must catch it. First there is one clap before the ball is caught, then two, building up to ten claps. The ball must be caught without it dropping to the ground as it rebounds off the wall. In competition, an opponent gets their turn when the ball is not caught cleanly.
    Each turn starts from one clap, building to ten claps, so it can take a while.
    A round two variation is to spin around on the spot in addition to doing the clapping. This makes it fairly hard to get to ten.
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    It’s nice to see what you are doing on yours.

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    1. Wow, this game seems challenging and interesting, would be sure to try it out. Never too old to play games.

      Thank you for visiting my site

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